Sons of Anarchy
The Sons of Anarchy (SOA) is an outlaw motorcycle club with many charters in the United States as well as overseas. The show focused on the original and founding (mother) charter, Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original, often referred to by the acronym SAMCRO, Sam Crow, or simply Redwood charter. the charter operates both illegal and legal businesses in the small town of Charming. They combine gun-running and a garage, plus involvement in porn film. Clay, the president, likes it old school and violent; while Jax, his stepson and the club's VP, has thoughts about changing the way things are. Their conflict has effects on both the club and their personal relationship. especially When Jackson "Jax" Teller discovers that his father had a different view in mind for SAMCRO (Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original) he goes on a personal quest to cleanse the name and make the club a better place, but at what cost?
Sezonul 3 Episodul 1
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